A wonderful world
Guinness book says that the current record for high-speed assembly of the Rubik's Cube belongs to the robot CubeStormer II and is equal to 5.53 seconds. We guarantee that this robot can not pass up our game for the ages. Only a man could do it .... maybe... We can say only one thing. This game will make your brain cubic.
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I am a big fan of logical games and puzzle solvers. I was extremely excited when a company decided to create an adaptation of a popular classic game. In this project consumed a lot of my creative thinking and we were able to create a level editor which allowed the whole team to bring their logical mind into a game.
Resource planning & organizing a project team
Design a level editor and created numerous levels myself
Time Management & Scheduling
Ensuring stakeholder's satisfaction with the Alpha & Beta prototypes
Outlining game mechanics
Progress monitoring
Reporting progress to the stakeholder
End-user behavior monitoring and adjusting UI elements & workflows.